Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Book For Practice Owners

For Physical Therapists, Dentists & Similar Healthcare Business Owners Looking To Get More Freedom.
"New Book Reveals The Exact Blueprint 2,738 Practice Owners Have Used To Double Their Income & Halve Their Clinical Hours."
While also saving you stress, time, money and effort.

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What Others Are Already Saying About The Practice Acceleration Method?
Grant Burton
- CEO PPS Physiotherapy
The Practice Acceleration Method is like having access to Tristan’s brain for 10-15 hours one on one” If you run a practice and have no idea of management, leadership, retention, systems or marketing then you need to buy this book. It’s well worth it.”  
Andrew Romano
- CEO Evolution Medical Care
"Since implementing the systems taught in The Practice Acceleration Method everything has changed. Our sales doubled in the first 3 months. If you want to scale up your business, then get this book."  
Sarah Holland
- CEO Valley Osteopathy
"If you want to grow your practice out of sight then get your hands on a copy of The Practice Acceleration Method. It will help break down your business step by step and then build it back up with the tensile strength that is completely impenetrable."
Jayce Gilbert
- CEO Peak MSK Physiotherapy
"The Practice Acceleration Method  is ground breaking! It has helped me to change my mindset, build a profitable practice and leverage my business so it doesn’t depend on me."
Neesha Gan
- CEO My Favourite Physio
"The Practice Acceleration Method REALLY works. If you’re serious about building a successful healthcare practice, you have to read this book!"
Matt McEwan
- CEO Parkside Sports Physiotherapy
"The Practice Acceleration Method gives you simple and actionable steps to transform your business. I recommend this book for any Practice owner who is feeling overwhelmed, stressed and doesn’t see a future for their business. If you want to turn everything around, I recommend reading this book and taking action on all the gold inside!"
The "Practice Acceleration Method Book'' is the exact blueprint you need to follow if you want to earn more money while working half the clinical hours in your Healthcare Practice.

We do this by building a collection of systems & processes that turns your practice into a machine where your only job is to oversee the system, not deal with seeing all the patients, fixing your team's mistakes or doing all the admin.

And as a result this frees you up to live and enjoy your life while the business works for you - this is The Practice Acceleration Method.

Before I created the Practice Acceleration Method - I was struggling with my own Physio Practice for years and was on the verge of giving up.

Going back to February 2005, I had hit rock bottom.

I had tried to build my own Physiotherapy practice, and while on the outside I looked like I was holding everyone together…

Behind closed doors? I was burned out, barely making ends meet, and had to work part-time inside another practice which made me feel like a failure - especially as the guy who hired me was a friend from uni.

I began convincing myself that running a business wasn't on the cards for me…that all the naysayers were right. I was a failure.

I mean, I had to take the late night sessions inside my own practice, and morning slots that no one else would want just to keep the lights on.

The truth was - my dream of having a successful practice was slipping away.

So I had to make a decision.

To continue killing myself working for someone else, and the secondhand embarrassment that came with it…

While also juggling silly hours in my failing Physiotherapy clinic that was literally draining my soul.


To take a leap.
Do something a little crazy
And gamble everything I had.

A mortgage that needed paying.

Bills that were racking up.

And leave my stable job with zero guarantee I would succeed.

I took that leap, hustled my butt off for 3 years just working out how to build a business that was sustainable, kept the lights on, fulfilled me, and paid well.

What I discovered was to grow a Million Dollar practice you need to follow a systematic approach that builds the right foundations for growth before scaling up.

In other words, you wouldn’t build a house without a solid foundation. Same with a business.

This concept changed everything for me.

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire Physiotherapy business model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way. I've finally reached a point where I was able to discover the secret formula for healthcare business owners to go from frantic to freedom.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Million Dollar Practice Owner System I built by ordering this FREE book called The Practice Acceleration Method. 
The Practice Acceleration Method Is Designed To Get You Freedom...To Get This You Need Three Things.
Profit allows you to either invest back into your business, put cash into investments or just enjoy yourself with family and friends.
Time is a limited resource. When you have time it helps you make better decisions and spend it where it matters most. Either, ON the business, with Family & Friends or on things that you enjoy doing. 
Having the confidence that your business can run WITHOUT YOU gives you the freedom to step away from your business but still having the confidence that everything is running smoothly without your being constantly on the phone managing from afar. 
To Get More Money, Time & Control, It's Crucial You've Got Control Of…
Attract leads
It all starts with filling your funnel…attracting new leads into your world like clockwork every single day via social and digital media to give you deal flow confidence. Converting your leads is next…so that you confidently convert your leads into new patient bookings every day - from your social media ads and content and phone calls. Then it’s about automating your machine so you attract new patients and reactivations into your practice on autopilot everyday. 
Fill your books 
You want to provide world class treatment that fills your books, doesn’t need you to be the primary revenue driver seeing so many patients personally, and is profitable. It starts with designing your profitable patient pathway, so that you know your profit margins are going to be right where you want them, you have to reverse engineer for success. Next you install the Conversion Consultation so you and your team effortlessly book your patients into what you recommend without needing to come across pushy or salesy.

Finally you need to create raving fans that refer like minded people, that’s where you enhance your patient experience.
Scale your business 
To scale your business you need to leverage talent so that you have the right people in the right seats so that your team drive the business and not you.

Creating systems & processes and streamlining your operations will free up your team and headspace and make your business less reliant on you.
Finally, it’s crucial to create your flow, so that you are focused on making the biggest impact,working the hours you want and living the lifestyle of your design.

The secret to the Million Dollar Practice system is that you need all areas in place otherwise your business will not create the freedom
 you deserve.
If your business is missing any of the elements of the Million Dollar Practice system, your business will be unstable and unsustainable. Or if you do manage to grow, you’ll end up scaling chaos rather than profit.
So, How Do You Get An Extra 30-50+ New Patients Every Single Month?
(without relying on referrals, 
word of mouth or newsletters?)
From: The Desk Of Tristan Bond
Adelaide, Australia 

Dear Friend,

Don’t run another marketing campaign until you read this important update:

If you would like to grow your Physical Therapy, Dental, Chiropractic, Podiatry or any other Healthcare Practice…

... without doing newsletters…

...Begging for referrals that don’t pan out. Mindlessly running social media ads that bite the dust….

This will be the most important letter you read all year.

Here's why:

First, we've probably never met, so let me introduce myself before I go further.

My name's Tristan Bond, and I’ve personally worked with over 2,000 healthcare clinics 

...from solo start-up Practices to companies doing over $20 million in annual revenue with over 160 staff members.

I’m currently helping people to book in both OLD and NEW patients…
Not in weeks or months.

Instead, we’re doing this in HOURS.
By The Time We Send Out The Campaigns, Give Or Take 60 Minutes Or Less, Our Inbox Is Pinging, And Our Phone Is Ringing…

All With The RIGHT People
 Wanting Us To Solve Their Pain. 
I’m standing shoulder to shoulder with healthcare experts--showing them how to create SIMPLE text message campaigns.

And SIMPLE emails that take about 10 minutes to write.

Check this out...

We use these campaigns to reactivate old “frozen” patients that were left for dead...and pump NEW cash into their businesses…

And now I’ve taken a few of these SIMPLE strategies and put them down in a simple book you can read--and put into practice--in an afternoon.

I’m serious--these are “real world” examples from REAL LIFE people who run practices just like yours.

Which leads me to wonder…

Why Haven’t More Practices
 Been Told These Facts? 

So, I’m on a mission to help you turn OLD and new leads into patients...who come back on repeat...even during this recession.
I’ve put insider tactics, secrets and “Do This, Then That” instructions into my new book 

The Practice
Acceleration Method
The step-by-step system to double your profits, halve your hours and build a practice that doesn’t depend on you 
Inside this book--which you can read in an’ll discover how to…
  • ​Install and deploy just 84 simple words for the CASH breakthrough of the year! We all know you can’t deposit likes, shares, or comments into your bank account. Instead, print out the 84 words listed in the first couple of paragraphs on Page 30 and put them to work. 
  • ​​What is a re-exam? Think of it like going in for seconds at your favorite restaurant. Find out how we’re using this to ethically recommend patients take us up on higher-priced services even if they came in to fix a smaller problem the first time around. See our frameworks on Page 115. 
  • ​ERADICATE Doubts About Your Practice! Easily write marketing copy which converts skeptics. Start to “talk the talk” of your most vocal critic--and find you don’t NEED to lower your prices.
  • ​The #1 most important TASK after you take care of your patients each day. Get this wrong? Soon you won’t have enough patients to fill nearly ANY appointments. (Page 17-18). 
  • How many times does a prospect need to see your ad to book an appointment? The answer might surprise you. It’s 13. And I’ll show you how to shortcut that high number to five times, 3 times or even LOWER…
  • The leadership shift you need to make in order to start earning an extra $1,300 per day...if you choose…
  • Weird But Very Effective: The personality trait your audience wants to see from you. It’s an ultra-effective way to attract a new patient without manipulation or lies...Even Mr. Rogers used this ethical secret in spades to create a LASTING EMPIRE which continues even after his death…
  • WARNING: The toxic trend leading more practices to the POORHOUSE than ever before--RUINING workplace profits…

I’ll show you how to shift this in your your staff DO what you tell them the FIRST time…

..Prospects turn into patients far MORE OFTEN…
...and your blood pressure PLUMMETS. (See Page 18.)

  • The magic of the 2 “F”s: Why you’ll want to install this on EVERY marketing piece you send out from now on...Page 38…
  • ​​See the SIMPLE strategies a pilates gym owner used to increase her income by $30,000 a month...slash her clinical load from five and a half days per week to ZERO..., and build a brilliant team that love coming to work for her every day.
  • Want proof fancy qualifications don’t matter when acquiring patients? See the case study on Page 38! 

I’m going to show you specific details on what YOU can do in the next 36 hours to book new patients  and RE-ACTIVATE past patients. 

...Start using this in your ads and emails ASAP!
If you do, you’ll hear the phone ring and see your calendar getting booked. This is the same expert hack that Oprah and even Martha Stewart use to...

Skyrocket Their Brand Loyalty, 
Score Runaway Paydays 
And Leave Likes & Shares For The Clueless 
Businesses Who Don’t Know Any Better!

Sound good? Well, it gets even BETTER if you leave behind those “fancy” qualifications everyone says you need…

  • ​The DIRTY secret about why being a great clinician won’t fill up your practice. People only care about a few things--which I show you how to have in spades when they look for them. (See Page 33)
  • ​​The verdict-wining manoeuvre wildly successful trial lawyers use to CONVERT their audiences. I walk you through a sample exercise on how to do this with YOUR prospects…Page. 34…
  • ​What your audience REALLY needs you to SHOW THEM before they will buy. (Page 35). Start doing this one thing every day...and you’ll have patients who HAPPILY pay your premium fees…

...And tell their friends to do the same!

These Secrets (And Honest Work) Are What’s Responsible For Our Clients To Go From $10,000 Months…

All The Way To $8,000 DAYS!

Make no mistake. The people who we chose to work with don’t have a long list of fancy credentials or even years of experience.

And they aren’t outgoing “extraverts” or self promoters either...We’re seeing results like NEVER BEFORE--even with people who are self proclaimed “introverts” who shy away from networking...

And You Can Join Our Ranks--if You Choose…
plus You’ll Also Discover….

  • 2 things you must do IMMEDIATELY if you find people are reporting your ads to Facebook or Google, getting annoyed with your marketing or simply NOT doing what you need them to do--book an appointment with your team. 
  • ​​Want people to LOVE YOU? Use the amazing formula that Friends & Seinfeld used to keep their reruns (and their royalty checks) running for DECADES after the first show aired. 
  • ​Want to book in 74 NEW patients in just 36 hours? We show you how to do this on pages 44-45. 
  • It’s TRUE: Those who generalize get paid  much less than those who specialize in certain treatments and who treat SPECIFIC problems. 
  • The secret of “backend” profit machines...and the story of how Nina generated $80,000 from a tiny $2,000 ad spend. (Page 60).
  • Need 38 New patients? How Vickki-a physical therapist--secured 38 new patients with a simple text campaign from people “who we only saw once” and then never again. 
She Was Able To Reactivate These  People...
Who Are Worth An Extra

(See how you can do the same thing on Page 75.)

  • ​PAC frameworks: What are they, how can you use them to pocket a cool $240,000 EXTRA per year? Our client John used these to do just that -- AND he spent less on marketing too! 
  • ​​What is an “orange light”? What do they mean for your daily profit numbers? 

    How can you make those orange lights GREEN with money? My client John was hitting too many “orange lights”. To the tune of $4000 of missed booking opportunities in just twenty-seven minutes alone! Find out what we did to FIX this lost cash--fast. (Turn to page 87 for the answer.). 
  • All this and much MUCH more!

What Are Others Already Saying About 
The Practice Acceleration Method?

The Practice Acceleration Method is like having access to Tristan’s brain for 10-15 hours one on one” If you run a practice and have no idea of management, leadership, retention, systems or marketing then you need to buy this book. It’s well worth it.”  
- Grant Burton – CEO PPS Physiotherapy 

Since implementing the systems taught in The Practice Acceleration Method everything has changed. Our sales doubled in the first 3 months. If you want to scale up your business, then get this book.  - Andrew Romano – CEO Evolution Medical Care 

The Practice Acceleration Method is ground breaking, it’s helped me change my mindset, build a profitable practice and help me leverage my business so it doesn’t depend on me.  - Jayce Gilbert – CEO Peak MSK Physiotherapy 

The Practice Acceleration Method REALLY works. If you’re serious about building a successful healthcare practice, you have to read this book!   - Neesha Gan – CEO My Favourite Physio

The Practice Acceleration Method gives you simple and actionable steps to transform your business. 
I recommend this book for any Practice owner who is feeling overwhelmed, stressed and doesn’t see a future for their business. If you want to turn everything around, I recommend reading this book and taking action on all the gold inside!   - Matt McEwan – CEO 

As You Can See...

The Practice Acceleration Method Has Already Helped Countless Healthcare Businesses 
Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

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There's NO hidden costs - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well there are actually a few reasons...

It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated follower.

I love giving back to the Healthcare industry where I first started my career as a Physiotherapist myself.

I know that if you implement just one tactic in this book, it will pay for itself (seriously). And if you do that, you'll wonder what else we have, and allow us to help you at a higher level.

Even if you never work with us, the value you'll get out of this book will be astronomical and I don't want you to have to suffer trying to figure this all out on your own. I've been there, business is hard without the right strategy. 

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Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!
To your success,

Tristan Bond 

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

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